Stop Writing Boring Job Ads. Here’s How.

Having a company brimming with hardworking, loyal, reliable, and smart people begins with one thing many companies just aren’t good at. The job ad. Most job ads are long and boring and force candidates to either skim over it, or jump to the parts they are most interested in. What does your company’s job ads look like? Are they cluttered with long paragraphs and little white space? If so, you may be losing out on great employees – the right employees.

Luckily, Daeco has the talent and experience to turn even dry and dull job ads into eye-catching, employee-grabbing pieces of art. Seriously. Here are a few tips and tricks we use that work.


  1. Delete buzzwords and keep sentences short and sweet. Even better – use bullet points.
  2. Keep the bit about your company short, or delete it altogether. If a candidate is really interested they can Google you.
  3. Keep the job ad conversational. If you need to include legal information, keep it separate.
  4. Change sub-headings from dry and boring to fun and vibrant. Instead of “Skill Requirements” write “Things You’re Good At”
  5. Be transparent. Does the job require a lot of emails and correspondence? Just say so.
  6. Let the candidate know how they’ll be making an impact on your business. Talk about projects and problems they’ll be helping out with.

If you need helping putting these tips and tricks into practice. Let us know. We can help.