Back On The (Job) Market?

With uncertain economic times comes instability in the job market. More people than ever are vying for new jobs as companies closer their doors. If you’ve found yourself back on the job hunt, you might be wondering where to begin. Are you back at square one with your resume? Not sure what to include and what to leave out? Worried about your interview skills? We can help.

With more competition than ever, the job market demands candidates are putting their best foot forward. It’s important to stand out from the competition and secure an interview.

Daeco’s newest service has been tailored made just for you. We’ll give you an honest opinion about your resume. We’ll let you know if you should tweak it, or completely overhaul it. Same goes with your cover letter. We’ll make sure it concisely captures what you’re all about and make sure future employers are interested.

Once your resume lands you the interview its time to prep for those hard questions. We’ll give you the inside scoop on the potential questions an interviewer might ask and coach you on how to successfully answer them.

Be ready for your new job. Get in touch with us right away to prepare you for the job market.